Sitemap - 2022 - Connecting Thoughts

The Soviet Union isn't a model to be emulated, people.

To them, you understand, it's all connected

A quick comment on The Science™

The gender theory of "long COVID"

"David, what happened in Michigan on Tuesday?"

A couple comments about how the manipulation is done

A medley of short thoughts

The Republican inability or lack of will to state the fundamental moral issue

A few thoughts on switching to a classical Christian school

J.G. Machen on the public schools

You're a clump of cells after you're born, too

Quick reflections after a visit to the Ark Encounter

How our driveway garden is doing

The hackable human body

Technology challenging authorities and changing how we perceive the world

Truth needs a community

The CDC messes up with COVID data again... and what bigger lessons can we draw from that?

Some thoughts on Edward Snowden's book

We must try to take off the technocratic hats

Ruler of kings and the cult of the expert

Good afternoon, human unit

A collection of rapid-fire thoughts provoked by recent interactions

A few comments on Psaki's "transgender kids" press conference remarks yesterday

Parasitic upon the truth

Is the digital swarm now in control?

Some observations after spending a week in India

OK folks, have a few more adoption-related photos

Three observations after flying internationally

Setting neighbor against neighbor in eager cruelty is an evil worse than a virus

A quick comment on the Canadian truckers

Do our tools serve us or do we serve our tools?

A little post in favor of small scale production

You needed some pure science for your Monday

Practicing medicine without a license

A few, you might say cultural reactions, to the SCOTUS hearing about the OSHA mandate this morning

We need a word for this phenomenon