Jun 18Liked by David Shane

Do you think that 'those people' haven't studied how to improve the Chinese regime of one couple/one child (three children now, I guess)? 'They' may not have done, but I'd be willing to be that some individuals among them have. Am old and childless, so 'their' concern for me is that I 'euthanise' myself sooner rather than later. Tsk; what a world.

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Lot of stuff like that. In the early 20th century, many progressives were openly, passionately, pro-eugenics. Then Nazism made eugenics a bad word. But they absolutely still favor that.

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Jun 18Liked by David Shane

"they’d be happy if just being a parent required a background check too."

So can I blame you for giving them the idea?

Not too hard to imagine one way it gets enforced - a marriage license is not issued unless a DEI loyalty oath is signed. Or no tax breaks for marrieds or shack-ups with kids unless they sign a loyalty oath.

I work as a regulatory government person. Over 50% turnover in staff the last 5 years. I've been calling the new technicratic mindset of the new employees a "CSI mentality.," in reference to the TV show where real-time data about everything is always available.

The new employees always say, "this requirement of mine won't cost the regulated entity much, and the increased safety that comes from more data is worth it."

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Yep. They didn't take any single class called "how to think like a technocrat". But in a sense, every class they took was how to think like a technocrat.

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Have these new employees heard of "paralysis by analysis"?

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