Another good Ellul quote about "trust the science" mentality (taken from a chapter in the Ethics of Freedom about the way that the scientific method in theology can amount to a subjugation of a Christian hermeneutic of freedom):

"I do not question the value and validity of science, but I do question its final value and the unquestionable rights of research. We have here a sociological obedience to the irresistible flow of modern western beliefs, and the passion for investigation simply expresses the state of mind of a society that has lost its certainties and is trying to latch on to the only certainty left, namely, science.

Science thus replaces all things. It replaces morality. When faith goes, science becomes an object of faith and a means of dealing with revelation. The approach is not one of strength, but of weak and servile obedience to the sociological context."

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Sounds like our world. Thanks.

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Excellent post, David. This is a great Tuesday topic.

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Is it mentioned that the overvaluation of politeness and the softening of our churches is a necessary condition for the ascension of technique?

We've thrown off the oppressiveness of patriarchal hierarchy and been "blinded by science?" And so have relieved women of submitting to their stupid husbands and replaced them with good looking experts on TV who placate their sense and sensibilities.

It gives men the out of false humility and hierarchy because we get to say, "who am I to dispute the IPCC/Michael Mann/Dr. Fauci/John Piper/Beth Moore, etc because that would be arrogant and rebellious of me."

You are a PhD of physics, which is a field of technical mastery - if you ever want to have a storytelling post for your younger readers, could you say how you broke free of the yoke of expertise? The incentives in your life would seem to weigh in favor of trusting an educated elite speaking of their expertise, such as Fauci, IPCC, etc.

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